Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How Are You Doing With Your New Year's Resolutions?!

It’s June.  Next month, Hallmark Cards will unveil their 2013 Christmas ornaments collection!  Yes, we’ve reached the halfway point in this “new” year.  What about those New Year’s goals you set up for yourself?  Where are you in bringing them to life? 

Although many of us make new year’s resolutions with determination and enthusiasm, often it’s not obvious what our goals should be or even what we want to accomplish, but consider this. . .

If you want to change something in your life, it's common to try to stop the behaviors you don't like. While this certainly seems logical, it seldom works. The reason is simple - it unintentionally creates a vacuum where the old behaviors used to be. And since nature hates a vacuum it will fill it with anything it can find - usually the very behaviors you're trying to stop since they're so familiar. Instead of stopping certain behaviors, try focusing on the new behaviors you want and need to develop. Eventually, with practice, these new behaviors will replace the old ones.

I had a client who was condescending with staff members and she wanted to change how she interacted.  When she asked for my advice (in what I thought was a condescending tone!), I said, "Instead of coming off as superior and stand-offish, what do you want to be?  How would you like to be perceived?She looked at me blankly and said, "I'm not sure.  I never thought about it that way"  "Good!  Then let's start there," I said.

There are three steps to setting communication goals for your self:

1.     Notice any pattern in either your personal or professional life where you say you've got to stop communicating in a certain way.
2.     Think about the way(s) in which you want to start communicating in that arena.
3.     Be specific. Write down the exact things you want to do.

Sabotaging yourself with negative thinking?

In his book, Learned Optimism, Dr. Martin Seligman wrote about a psychological phenomenon that he discovered based on his 25 years of research: Virtually every person has one or more areas where they feel unable to do something that they really want to do. They’ve developed habits of thought that hold them back from reaching their full potential. Seligman called this "learned helplessness."
He conducted dozens of experiments to demonstrate how animals can be trained to feel that they’re helpless. In one, he put a dog into a cage with a glass wall that separated it from a bowl of food. The dog was hungry and tried to get at the food by banging its nose on the glass. After several hours, Seligman removed the glass. And what happened then? The dog, who was still hungry, sat only a few inches away from the food and never even attempted to eat it. The animal had become convinced that it was incapable of getting to the food. So even when the obstacles were removed, it just sat there hungry.

As you think about your communication goals, are you stuck in trying to name those goals? Have you convinced yourself that you’re incapable of reaching a goal that's important to you?  

If negative thinking is holding you back, keep in mind that it is nothing more than a bad habit that you developed somewhere along the line. And all dysfunctional habits can be replaced with healthy ones.

Want help in gaining clarity for reaching your most persistent goal?  Send me an email and let’s begin a conversation:

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