Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What's Your Swing Dance?

When the earth quakes, the wise person dances.
African proverb

Last week I had dinner with Hannah, a wedding photographer friend.

Our conversation flew fast and furious and the topic of the economy inevitably came up.  Hanna spoke of her current struggle to find wedding “gigs.”

Later, she told me how she recently reconnected on Facebook with two friends from her days in Miami. She was twenty-five and had left Long Island in search of an adventure. Carefree, she worked as a professional swing dancer.

The following week, Hannah and I met for breakfast and picked-up our conversation.  Financial worries were chipping away at her self-confidence—in general and as a photographer.  Uncertainty was paralyzing her.

Tough times ask challenging questions of us.  And so I asked Hannah—how much was she willing to sacrifice to fear?

She said she didn’t want to sacrifice anything--she didn’t want fear to be a constant companion. 

I then suggested she take-up swing dancing again.  She looked at me like I was nuts.  But, what better way to reconnect with your self than with what gives you pleasure?  I urged her to face fear with enjoyment.

She’s taken me up on my suggestion.  Yes, Hannah still worries about her next paying gig. However, embracing dance in the face of uncertainty has given her a renewed sense of talent and accomplishment. And that has translated into a renewed confidence in her ability as a photographer.

Resist letting your fears overwhelm you.  Only then will you be able to see who you are and what you can and need to do to honor who you are.

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