I recently gave a talk to a group
of high school juniors and seniors on “how to prepare for college.” Afterwards, Noel, a junior, thanked me for
coming and then told me she’s worried about the whole application “thing.” When I asked where she wanted to go to
school, she said, “I don’t know. I don’t think I can get into a good
school.” I asked her why she thought
a “good” school wouldn’t want her. “I don’t know; it’s just that there’s a lot
of competition––a lot of kids better than me.” Ugh–– she sounded as upbeat as my 90 year-old
arthritic grandmother! I asked where
she’d like to go and she named two schools, each of which was competitive,
though not in the Ivy League stratosphere.
I suggested she apply to them along with her “safe” schools. What did she have to lose?
Her mom joined us and I quickly
learned that Noel was no slacker either in academics or activities. Impressed, I again encouraged her to apply to
her dream schools. Her mom nudged her, “do you hear what he’s saying?” She
looked at me without smiling, shrugged and said, “I guess, but I know they won’t accept me.”
If we break down Noel’s inner
monologue, it goes something like this:
I can’t get into where I want to go THEREFORE I’m a loser THEREFORE I
have no chance at happiness THEREFORE why should I even try THEREFORE my life
sucks. . .STOP!
This is crazy thinking and we all
do it in some form, though some of us have perfected it into an Emmy-winning
soap opera.
Noel doesn’t know for a fact that
the schools she wants to get into will reject her. She hasn’t even applied to them.
Also, she’s thinking in polar
opposites and torturing herself in the process––“either I get into one of these
two schools OR I am doomed to a miserable four-year stint at some crappy
college.” There are scores of schools
where she could thrive, but she hasn’t investigated them because she’s too busy
playing the victim of her own unhappiness.
Why do people think that being
negative is actually a positive thing? Negative
thinking isn’t going to help you, so why choose to be cruel to yourself?
Be confident. Confidence
comes from taking stock of who you are at this point in your life––the good,
the bad, the ugly, and everything in-between.
The confident person acknowledges their weaknesses and owns their
strengths. From confidence you can
assess a situation, make reasonable choices, and assume responsibility for
those choices.
It’s a cliché, but true––your attitude in life determines life’s
attitude towards you.
Be confident. Be kind.