I took to heart much of what you said
at our meeting many months ago. As a result of talking with you and taking
various classes, there has been and continues to be an internal shift taking
place within me that has significantly increased my perception in the value of
my skill set and has resulted in my being much braver to venture out on my own
in the workplace. I still work WITH Ray
(she used to work “for” him),
however, I am in the process of creating my own subdivision within the company.
Just in case you’re wondering,
self-growth sucks-–no better way to describe the process.
PS: Your advice on how to dress professionally was
important to hear and shows that you are brave too!
I was delighted when I read this
note––delighted that Alice is seeing the value she brings to the work her
husband does and delighted she’s sensing that she can “do it.”
I especially like her description
of “self-growth.” Yes, it sucks! It is hard work because for most of us, by
the time we set about consciously creating new mindsets and new behaviors, we’re
so set in our old ways, no matter how dysfunctional, we resist change.
Alice, though, was hell-bent on
changing, on finding her voice, on finding a new way of being. Without being “hell-bent” nothing new will
And in terms of her P.S., well, I
was surprised. Alice has a wonderful,
down-to-earth way about her. She has a
hard time understanding why people would waste her time or their time engaging
in b.s. To use an overused word, Alice
is genuine. This is also reflected in
her clothes. She’s in her late 50’s (a
guess) and dresses with an LL Bean casualness.
I urged her to think about what impression she wanted to create when
meeting clients.
I didn’t think I was being especially
“brave” in my comments. We had
established a relationship of trust and so I felt comfortable and confident in
giving impression-management feedback.
Trust lets you do many more things
you wouldn’t think of doing!
Bottom line: Yeah, self-growth
sucks BUT the alternative is even suckier!
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