I recently met with a woman who has
a Ph.D. and works as a researcher at a national policy institute. Nicole (name changed) is bright, funny and
personable – and claims that she doesn’t feel “confident.” She’s worried that she’ll disappoint clients,
internal and external and that she won’t know her material well enough to make
competent presentations. She feels intimidated
with colleagues who she deems know more than she.
Each week I’m approached by people
who want to figure out this whole confidence “thing.” More
times than not, the folks coming to me are wonderfully competent at what they
do and so I’m puzzled by their claims of not having “confidence.”
Go to Amazon and you’ll find more
than seventeen thousand entries related to “confidence”! At the risk of sounding arrogant, here are my
Ten Characteristics Of A Confident
A confident person:
Knows their stuff – maybe not inside and out,
but they know what is required of them in any given circumstance and knows how
to find the helpful answers when they don’t readily know an answer.
Knows how to reassure the other person(s) that
they are in good hands. Confident people
don’t waste other people’s time.
Believes they have something worthwhile to give
– whether it’s the key to the stock room or the solution to a program
malfunction. What they have to give may
not be life changing, but it will make the other person’s life a bit easier.
Knows they are “odd” – and in what way they’re
odd. Hey, we’re all a bit whacky and we
can only be confident if we understand our own quirks.
Has a sense of humor – they can laugh at
themselves and even help the other person laugh at their own mistakes.
Is willing to risk making a mistake for the sake
of doing or discovering something new, better or bigger.
Doesn’t make their audience into something that
they’re not. They understand that the
audience (no matter how intimate or public) shares much in common with them and
that commonness gives them access to their audience. But, they also understand the specifics of
what makes their audience unique and do all they can to speak to that unique
Is not afraid of being nervous and recognizes
that it’s a healthy feeling.
Can make adjustments on the spot. Because they’re sure of their material and overall
goal, they can tweak as they engage.
Understands they can’t do everything within the
allotted time they have with an audience.
And that allows them to not feel frustrated because their “gift” fits
within the box created by the allotted time.
I think these ten traits can be condensed into just one:
A confident person has realistic
expectations of their own self, the other and their relationship AND based on
those expectations, a confident person is happy to give an audience whatever
gift they’ve prepared for them, believing that good can come from the mutual
What about you? What does it
mean for you to feel confident?